Tuesday, December 23, 2008

FAST FOOD NATiON ( post #1 )

In Eric Schlosser's novel Fast Food Nation he exploits and examines the real truth about fast food restaurants. He initially begans to briefly speak about how these restaurants come about and the he includes brief decriptions about their founders. In the attempt to exploit them about their "harmful advertising" he discussed the approach these many companies take to reach out to their younger customers. He uses McDonald's as a example advertiser. He says, " McDonald's spends more money advertising and marketing than any other brand. As a result it has replaced Coca-Cola as the world's most famous brand. McDonald's operates more playgorunds than any other private entity in the United States ( introduction : page 4 ) . " This quote alone gives you a general of how these vendors are targeting Americans. In my opinion Schlosser's main focus for this novel is to reveal the naked truth about these vendors.

clarification: In Schlosser's opinion , what do most of the

food resturants have in common ?

application: Did your prior knowledge about fast food restaurants change after reading the first two chunks of Fast Food Nation ?