Thursday, April 23, 2009

" Outliers "

The Story of Success

by: Malcolm Gladwell

Chunk #2

Gladwell's second half of " Outliers" addresses how middle, lower and upper class parenting differs. He states that upper class parents take the time out to be involved in their childs activities and often ar very support. Middle class parents are partially there and as for lower class, their children are stronged will because of their situations so they feel they dont need the extra support. With the helps of Annette Lareau, Gladwell goes more into depth about household parent an how it effects the student as a whole.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

" Outliers "
( The Story of Success )
by Malcolm Gladwell

Chunk #1

Gladwell begins his nonfiction novel " Outliers" by providing a story about what encouraged him to write about success and how people become successdul. He defines an outliers as " something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body . . . a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of 6he sample." Throughout the first chunkhe provides various anedotes to support his thesis that no one hasa become successful without a support background. In otherwords , there's no such this as "coming from nothing to something". Gladwell use of anecdotal evidence to support his claim helps keep him credible as a writer.

[ Question: ]
Clarification: In reference to the hockey team, what weakness do athletes born in December encounter?

Application: What are the cutoff dates in the LAUSD district and how do they compare or contrst with the Canadian system ?

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Bedford Reader
“But What Do You Mean?” by Deborah Tannen

“But What Do You Mean?” by Deborah Tannen is a series of reasonings for why men and when often encounter miscommunications. She is under the impression that man and women communicate badly because they “have different ideas about what’s appropriate… [And they also have] different ways of speaking…women often mistake men’s teasing as genuinely hostile [and] men often mistake women’s mock self-depracation as truly putting themelves down” Tannen includes subtitled sections into her essay all describing actions that lead up to miscommunication between the opposite sex. She expresses this to her audience by providing a series of sample conversations to allow the reader to witness the conversations between male and female. She states, She also incorporates a myriad of anecdotes in order to provide a visual for the reader. Mature men and women would most likely obtain the information in the essay the best because they will take into account the things they that they are guilty of and be able to relate to it best.

1. Deprecate: express disapproval

Tone: [ explanatory ]

Rhetorical Terms:
Anecdote : “ For example , a well know columnist once interviewed me …”
Allusion : “ Instead of balancing in the air , she has plopped to the ground, wondering how she got there”
Personification: ‘Trouble talks.’
Figurative language: “It would be easy to assume that Dierdre was insecure, whether she was fishing for a compliment or soliciting a critique.
Sarcasm: “Thanks for nothing.”

Discussion Questions:
Clarification: How do women often feel about the way men address them?
Application: Out of all the bold headings, which one is more common? Why?
Style: Would the author have conveyed the same message with the absence of the subtitles?